Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement
News Items - AL!VE
AL!VE says “Kudos to You, Volunteer Leaders, Managers, and Coordinators”
AL!VE says “Kudos to You, Volunteer Leaders, Managers, and Coordinators” on International Volunteer Managers Day! Saturday, November 5th

You know who you are! Regardless of your title, whether you're paid or a volunteer, whether leading volunteers is your profession, your avocation, or one of many functions of your job, if you engage volunteers for the betterment of your organization or cause, then this is your day.

International Volunteer Managers Day is for you. It is about you. It is your day to be recognized for your hard and diligent work on behalf of your organization and volunteers, for your commitment to making a difference for your organization and volunteers, for your unique knowledge and skills in the field of volunteer engagement!

International Volunteer Managers Day is your day! And AL!VE is your professional organization. And we want to recognize, honor, and thank you for being a leader in volunteer engagement!

Published: 11/04/11