Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement
News Items - AL!VE
AL!VE welcomes first Staff Member
AL!VE is proud to announce our first staff member, Beth Utley. Beth will be the business manager handling the daily affairs of AL!VE. She is currently the Community Relations Coordinator and Public Information Officer for the San Juan County Sheriff's Office. In addition to working with the media, her duties at the Sheriff’s Office also include managing their community policing and volunteer programs. She is also the President of the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office Foundation.

She holds a degree in Communications and Public Relations from Northern Arizona University. Beth has also been trained in the field of Crisis Communication and is currently in the process of working on her CVA (Certified in Volunteer Administration) credential.

From 2000 until 2009 she also served as the Executive Director for Tres Rios High School Rodeo Association. As their executive director she was responsible for more than 1000 volunteers and the preparation of the National High School Finals Rodeo (the World's Largest Outdoor Rodeo).

She is an active member of her church and teaches second grade Sunday School. She is married and is the proud mother of four children.

Published: 03/02/12