Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement
Local Associations Update Form
Please enter in this form any edits to our Local Associations listing on our website. If you'd like someone from AL!VE to contact you, contact information will be listed at the end of the form. For more information, see our web page We do NOT release member information to anyone, but be aware that email addresses or websites listed on the web may be subject to spam. We'll do our best on our end to keep that to a minimum. Thank you for helping strengthen local associations on a local AND national basis!

If you need assistance please email us.

If you are filling out this form for the first time, please click the New Submission button on the left.

If you are returning to edit or complete a previous submission, please fill out the email address and access code you set up previously and click Edit Submission.

First time submission

Edit existing submission
(fill out email address and access code to edit form)