VMHC Diversity Equity & Inclusion: Facilitator Training/Check In
10/1/2021 12:00 PM
Event Description
VMHC Diversity Equity & Inclusion: Facilitator Training/Check In
We recommend you have a facilitator for each of the small group discussions which come after the speaker's presentation. There will be four sessions to facilitate. You may have one facilitator for each session if you like for your group.
For this training it is the same content for each date listed.
We will review
the day’s schedule
facilitator role
tips for facilitating difficult discussions
Facilitating online vs. in person
Your facilitators and/or conference planner is welcome to attend any session. You may drop in, but if you pre register you’ll get reminders.
September 16 4:30 PM Eastern
September 20 2 PM Eastern
September 22, Noon Eastern
September 29, 4 PM Eastern
October 1, Noon Eastern
October 6, 2 PM Eastern
October 8, 1 PM Eastern
October 11, 2 pm Eastern
October 13, Noon Eastern
Meeting ID: 835 686 767
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Meeting ID: 835 686 767
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