Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement
Calendar of Events

Event Type:

March 2025
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Events in the month of March 2025

Monday, March 3, 2025
If you recently lost your job or feel like you have reached the ceiling at your current organization and are looking to explore opportunities, this COP is for you. AL!VE’s Career Transition Community of Practice is a supportive space for volunteer engagement professionals in career transition, offering encouragement, networking, and connections to help you find new opportunities through our community. 
Monday, March 3, 2025

Education & Reading Programs Community of Practice is a group of professionals with the interest of improving reading levels for youth and adults. We convene bimonthly to offer support, share best practices, provide a safe space for discussion, and networking.  

For more information contact Brandy Tolbert, Facilitator.  Register from our calendar on the next available date.

2025:  January 6, March 3, May 5, July 7

*note* When you register, you will automatically be registered for all the future COP dates (listed below) and reminders will be sent - the COP will use the same zoom link. 
​You may opt out by emailing 

Communities of Practice are an AL!VE member benefit; however, anyone is welcome to attend their first meeting with out being a member.  After your first meeting, you must join as a member to attend subsequent meetings.  You can learn more here.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Take the next step in your career as a leader of volunteers and become certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA).

Leaders in non-profit organizations and community groups increasingly understand that volunteers can be a critical resource for delivering on a mission. Effective people management and community engagement is imperative – whether they be paid or unpaid. As a result, employers expect that those individuals tasked with mobilizing and coordinating volunteer engagement demonstrate a thorough knowledge of effective practices and an understanding of how to apply that knowledge in support of real-world organizational priorities.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Join your peers for discussions for those who manage food banks, hunger organizations, or nutrition programs.     This COP will meet Monthly  on the first Tuesday  @ 3 PM Eastern. See dates below.
*note* When you register, you will be automatically be registered for all the future COP dates (listed below) and monthly reminders will be sent - the COP will use the same zoom link. 
You may opt out by emailing    

2025 Dates:
Jan 7
Feb 4
Mar 4
Apr 1
May 6
Jun 3
Jul 1
Aug 5
Sep 2
Oct 7
Nov 4
Dec 2

For more information, contact facilitator Elizabeth Garrabrant.

To register, please continue with this form.  You'll receive the log in information and reminders after registration. 

Communities of Practice are an AL!VE member benefit; however, anyone is welcome to attend their first meeting with out being a member.  After your first meeting, you must join as a member to attend subsequent meetings.   
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
  • January 22:  we will meet to review the study resources and an overview of chapters one and two of the textbook. 
  • February 5 - March 26:  We will meet every Wednesday at 12:00pm ET for eight weeks. The study schedule is based on reading 1-2 chapters of the CVA textbook, discussing those chapters and reviewing sample scenarios during the calls.  

We will contact you with the zoom login information. 

* If you are not yet an AL!VE member, you are welcome to attend the first session, but you must join as an AL!VE member to attend further sessions.
If you're interested in learning more about the Certification in Volunteer Administration in general, visit the CCVA website for information sessions about the exam and application and upcoming information sessions from CCVA.    

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - Thursday, March 13, 2025

Take the next step into the amazing field of volunteer management and join us for Volunteer Management 201!

This advanced training prepares volunteer managers to tackle the challenging and complex issues of volunteer engagement and program sustainability, to help you build the skills you will need to lead the volunteers.

This 2-day training is designed for volunteer managers who have completed Volunteer Management 101 or those who are seeking advanced training in the field. Facilitated by Emily Coleman and Jenn Forristal, both of whom have been working in the field of nonprofit and volunteer management for over nine years. This interactive workshop will focus on next-level topics, including: 

  • Equipping Staff to Engage Volunteers
  • Organizational Culture & Communication
  • Cultivating Leadership Volunteers
  • Volunteer Program Evaluation
  • ...and more!

Volunteer Management 201 builds on the basics of Volunteer Management 101. Volunteer Management 101 is not required in order to take 201, but we do recommend it.

Day 1: Wednesday, March 12th, 8 a.m. - Noon

Day 2: Thursday, March 13th, 8 a.m. - Noon

Registration for this event will sign you up for both sessions. Zoom links to join this training remotely will be sent out the week before the event to those who have registered, along with a workbook to be used throughout the training. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
  • January 22:  we will meet to review the study resources and an overview of chapters one and two of the textbook. 
  • February 5 - March 26:  We will meet every Wednesday at 12:00pm ET for eight weeks. The study schedule is based on reading 1-2 chapters of the CVA textbook, discussing those chapters and reviewing sample scenarios during the calls.  

We will contact you with the zoom login information. 

* If you are not yet an AL!VE member, you are welcome to attend the first session, but you must join as an AL!VE member to attend further sessions.
If you're interested in learning more about the Certification in Volunteer Administration in general, visit the CCVA website for information sessions about the exam and application and upcoming information sessions from CCVA.    

Thursday, March 13, 2025
This is an AL!VE Communities of Practice for those involved in managing volunteers or programs in health care settings such as hospitals, hospice, Blood Banks, Health care facilities, long-term health centers, etc.  Health care can have some unique situations, requirements, and environments for volunteers!  Join your colleagues in discussion about your questions, situations, needs, and share your experiences with others as well.  Let’s support each other! 

Upon registering, we will email you the meeting log in information (and a reminder, too).
(All times Noon E)

2025:  Jan 9, Mar 13, May 8, Jul 10, Sept 11, Nov 13 

January topic: The Cost of Volunteering
March topic:  Volunteer Appreciation Week
May topic:  Summer Student Opportunities
July topic:  Including DEI in Volunteer Onboarding
September topic:  Terminating a Volunteer
November topic:  Making the Worst Volunteer Role More Appealing

For more information about this COP, please contact Marie Howell, Health Care COP facilitator.  

Look forward to seeing you there!

To learn more about AL!VE Community of Practice, visit our website.

Communities of Practice are an AL!VE member benefit; however, anyone is welcome to attend their first meeting with out being a member.  After your first meeting, you must join as a member to attend subsequent meetings.  Learn more about membership here.
Thursday, March 13, 2025

March AL!VE Academy:  Developing a Culture of Appreciation: Alexandra Berríos Feliciano - March 13, 2025 @ 2:00PM - 90 Minutes
Retention and Recognition of Volunteers from the Para la Naturaleza Experience

In this workshop, we will explore how Para la Naturaleza has developed a culture of appreciation towards its volunteers, which has resulted in strong retention and significant recognition. Through our experience, we will identify effective strategies and successful practices that can be applied in various organizations to improve volunteer retention and recognition. Topics to be discussed:

1. Understanding the importance of volunteer retention and recognition.
2. Building a culture of appreciation: core values ​​and guiding principles.
3. Strategies to encourage long-term retention of volunteers.
4. Tools and techniques for the effective recognition of voluntary work.
5. Case studies: concrete examples of success in Para la Naturaleza.
6. Practical actions to implement in other organizations.

About Our Presenter

Alexandra Berríos Feliciano is a professional with a decade of experience dedicated to the third sector, specifically focused on the conservation of cultural and ecological resources. Currently, she works as a volunteer and community relations specialist at Para la Naturaleza. In this role, Alexandra provides comprehensive support in the administrative processes of volunteer management, including the development of opportunities and events, volunteer recruitment, design and facilitation of training workshops, research, and communications and relationships with other organizations. She is also a 2023 AL!VE Presenter Boot Camp Graduate.

Her academic formation includes a bachelor's degree in Geography from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, and she is completing a master's degree in Cultural Administration and Management at the same institution. In addition, she has professional certifications as an Interpretive Guide from the International Association of Interpretation, as  Volunteer Manager and  in Ecological and Cultural Tourism projects.

With a passion for youth development and raising awareness on crucial issues such as climate justice, grassroots building and citizen science, Alexandra has designed, coordinated and facilitated youth training workshops. Her personal interests span a wide range of topics, from geography and cultural management to sustainable development, ecofeminism, gardening, environmental justice and music.

With a unique combination of professional experience, specialized skills, and a deep connection to her personal interests, Alexandra is committed to promoting environmental and cultural conservation, as well as empowering communities to build a more sustainable and equitable future.  

Thursday, March 13, 2025
AL!VE New Member Information Sessions will be held monthly at 3 PM Eastern for 30 minutes. 

In this 30 minute call, we will highlight:
  • Member benefits
  • Resources & where to find them
  • Association goals for 2025
  • Discuss what's happening in the field on a regional or national level
  • Bring your own topic - have a question you need to discuss? We're happy to connect.
All members are invited to attend! 

Can't make this meeting? Check our calendar for the next date.  They are held every month.

We look forward to seeing you online!
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

This virtual Community of Practice supports volunteer engagement professionals managing programs in and across rural communities. These monthly peer-to-peer sessions address some of the challenges that come with operating in geographic areas with lower population numbers and that are located outside of more suburban and urban areas. Members use these sessions to troubleshoot issues, to give and receive support, and to share strategies, best practices, and resources for effective volunteer program management.

2025 Meetings will be held (All times 2 PM Eastern):
January 21, February 18, March 18,
April 15, May 20, June 17,
July 15, August 19, September 16,
October 21, November 18, December 16

To register for these dates, see the  link below.

COP's are an exclusive AL!VE member benefit.  Anyone is welcome to attend the first COP meeting, but after the first meeting we ask you become a member.  Learn more here. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
  • January 22:  we will meet to review the study resources and an overview of chapters one and two of the textbook. 
  • February 5 - March 26:  We will meet every Wednesday at 12:00pm ET for eight weeks. The study schedule is based on reading 1-2 chapters of the CVA textbook, discussing those chapters and reviewing sample scenarios during the calls.  

We will contact you with the zoom login information. 

* If you are not yet an AL!VE member, you are welcome to attend the first session, but you must join as an AL!VE member to attend further sessions.
If you're interested in learning more about the Certification in Volunteer Administration in general, visit the CCVA website for information sessions about the exam and application and upcoming information sessions from CCVA.    

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
This COP is for those managing an AmeriCorps Seniors program(s) as a grantee or sponsor. This includes Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program), and SCP (Senior Companion Program. Join us as we are a sounding board for sharing best practices and resources that are unique to federal grants and the older volunteers we work alongside.

*note* When you register, you will be automatically be registered for all the future COP dates (listed below) and monthly reminders will be sent - the COP will use the same zoom link. 
​You may opt out by emailing    

Communities of Practice are an AL!VE member benefit; however, anyone is welcome to attend their first meeting with out being a member.  After your first meeting, you must join as a member to attend subsequent meetings.  You can learn more here.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Enhance your professional development and support the profession of volunteer engagement at the same time! Join us for an AL!VE New Volunteer Information Session! This session is your opportunity to learn more about AL!VE, our mission, and how you can get involved. Whether you’re interested in sharing your skills, learning new ones, or connecting with a community of like-minded professionals, we have opportunities for you! Don’t miss this chance to join a dynamic organization that supports leaders in volunteer engagement nationwide. We can’t wait to meet you and explore how we can make an impact together!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Museums & Cultural Institutions Community of Practice: 
This is an AL!VE Communities of Practice for those managing volunteers in museums, galleries, cultural and arts centers.  Join us as we discuss and share insights and experiences that we are all having in the arts education/enrichment communities.  COVID has posed certain challenges and changes for us all so let’s rely on each other for ideas and inspiration!  This will be a time for networking, sharing ideas, asking questions, and brainstorming with your peers. This COP is hosted by AAMV (American Association of Museuem Volunteers) members;  all AAMV members may attend.
 *Note, new dates & times*

2025:  Jan 13 (only one at noon EST), Mar 19, May 21, July 16, September 17, November 19- all dates 4pm Eastern

*note* When you register, you will automatically be registered for all the future COP dates (listed below) and reminders will be sent - the COP will use the same zoom link. 
​You may opt out by emailing 
Communities of Practice are an AL!VE member benefit; however, anyone is welcome to attend their first meeting with out being a member.  After your first meeting, you must join as a member to attend subsequent meetings. *current AAMV members can attend anytime as part of our partnership* 

 You can learn more here.

Monday, March 24, 2025
National Networks COP:
Those working at a national level face different issues than those operating on a local or regional level. Often national level leaders are engaged in big picture, strategic or policy decision-making. Sometimes those operating at a national level don’t work directly with volunteers, but rather help empower others in their organizations who do. Join the discussion to connect and learn from others working nationally. We invite anyone looking to brainstorm around the unique issues facing volunteer leaders on a national level.  This COP group will be a chance to network, share expertise, ask questions, and solve problems with your peers. 

 *note* When you register, you will be automatically be registered for all the future COP dates (listed below) and monthly reminders will be sent - the COP will use the same zoom link. 
​You may opt out by emailing 

  All times 2:30 Eastern
Jan 27, Mar 24, May 26, July 28, Sept 22, Nov 24

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Mooney or Laura Gray, COP Facilitators.

Communities of Practice are an AL!VE member benefit; however, anyone is welcome to attend their first meeting with out being a member.  After your first meeting, we request you join as a member to attend subsequent meetings.  You can learn more here.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Take the next step in your career as a leader of volunteers and become certified in Volunteer Administration (CVA).

Leaders in non-profit organizations and community groups increasingly understand that volunteers can be a critical resource for delivering on a mission. Effective people management and community engagement is imperative – whether they be paid or unpaid. As a result, employers expect that those individuals tasked with mobilizing and coordinating volunteer engagement demonstrate a thorough knowledge of effective practices and an understanding of how to apply that knowledge in support of real-world organizational priorities.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
  • January 22:  we will meet to review the study resources and an overview of chapters one and two of the textbook. 
  • February 5 - March 26:  We will meet every Wednesday at 12:00pm ET for eight weeks. The study schedule is based on reading 1-2 chapters of the CVA textbook, discussing those chapters and reviewing sample scenarios during the calls.  

We will contact you with the zoom login information. 

* If you are not yet an AL!VE member, you are welcome to attend the first session, but you must join as an AL!VE member to attend further sessions.
If you're interested in learning more about the Certification in Volunteer Administration in general, visit the CCVA website for information sessions about the exam and application and upcoming information sessions from CCVA.    

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
This COP is designed to include a broad range of topics regarding urban and rural parks, botanical gardens, parks, and nature preserves. The objective of this COP is to connect volunteer engagement professionals within these organizations to share resources and best practices. This informal venue encourages open discussions for anyone seeking or offering advice in tackling the unique challenges facing volunteer engagement professionals in the Parks & Rec field. Bring your lunch/brunch and beverage! If you're not sure if you fit with us, please join us! This COP is facilitated by Meagan Patterson, Gateway Arch Park Foundation Senior Manager, Operations & Volunteer Engagement, Jenny Garver, Macon Courty Conservation District Volunteer Coordinator,  Callie Le'Au Courtright, CPM, CVA, City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation Supervisor, and Yvonne Dunphe, Five Rivers Metroparks, Volunteer Coordinator.

2025 Dates are January 15, March 19, May 21, July 16, September 17, and November 19. 
Friday, March 28, 2025
All are welcome to join our quarterly networking social for anyone involved in Volunteer Engagement.

All Volunteer Engagement Professionals are welcome to attend a networking social event, quarterly at 4 PM Eastern for 45 minutes.  Feel free to leave early or come late as your schedule allows.  Connect and network with your peers for live discussions - ask questions and let us know what's on your mind!

All times 4:00-4:45 PM Eastern
  • March 28
  • June 17
  • September 12
  • December 4
When you register, we will send the meeting information, and you'll be signed up for the following sessions for the rest of the year.  You can always opt out by emailing us.

Door prizes, networking and camaraderie will be on hand.  Don't miss it!

Open to all in the field of volunteer engagement.  We look forward to seeing you!   

We welcome any event related to volunteer engagement professionals! 
To submit your event, click on the link below.